-USED- SONICAKE Twiggy Blues Multi Effects Pedal
From the Manufacturer;
An Overdrive Pedal?
The core of Sonicake Twiggy Blues is the overdrive part. We all love those vintage tone from Tube Screamer and Boss Blues Driver. That's basically the go-to overdrives for musicians thru out the world. And we take the inspiration from those classics and put a lil ' some new twist into it. The EQ curve is more focused on the high mids, making sure that your solo is gonna cut thru. The tonal characters are just like when you push an old tube amp over its edge. So vintage, so raw, so full of attitude.
The Reverb & Delay
To make it quick and simple, and avoid using those confusing words like "luscious", "natural", let's put it this way: the reverb module can expand your tone from a small room to a big concert hall; The delay is analog-voicing. They both run on digital algorithms, but they sound analog. Find any YouTube demo of Twiggy, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Compressor for All the Juice
The compressor is the secret weapon in Twiggy. We originally meant it to sound a little twangy for the country artists out there. But later we found out that when combining the comp and overdrive together, you get yourself a tone that is kinda close to those Dumble amps. That's what the internet has been buzzing about. "The $80 Dumble Solution". That's the bang for your buck.
For Gigs & Studios
The pedal is built like a tank. Heavy-duty metal casing. Well constructed. LED knobs indicating the working state of the pedal, which would make it easy for you to gig in a dark venue. What's more? Twiggy has a cab sim in. Yeah, you can directly plug it into the PA system or your sound card, for gigging and home studio recordings.